37 is the new 87
According to recent health studies, over 82 percent of people will experience at one time in their life some form of lower back pain....
Keeping the engines running
The human body is considered one of the most significant pieces of biomechanical engineering ever created. It has been copied and modeled...
DOM, DOM, DOM, DOM, DOMS(Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)
DOMS, or delayed onset muscle soreness is a condition that many of my patients suffer from. Whether it might be a hard workout at the...
In the end we are just bags of water....
When I was an undergraduate student back in college, one of my Biology professors stated that all we are is just a sophisticated bag of...
Pain...The Greatest Indicator That We Are Alive!
There are plenty of feelings and sensations that keep us aware that we are alive. Feelings of love and sadness definitely keep us aware...
The Runner's Highs and Lows
Running is a great form of exercise, and seeing that is the most convenient form of cardio aerobic exercise around it makes it the most...
The tunnel that leads to nowhere....
So you might of heard that we are own worst enemies when it comes down to certain things that happen to us each day. When this thing is...
It takes a hunch...
Do rounded shoulders leading to a hunched slouched appearance ring a bell? Before you answer with anything that has to do with a certain...
The Weekend Warrior Mindset
The Weekend Warrior Mindset The concept of No pain No gain, has always been the statement for many people when challenging themselves...
How prolong sitting is considered the new smoking
It seems that more and more people are quitting smoking, seeing that the adverse effects of this pointless unhealthy habit has no merit...